In the words of the late, great Nelson Mandela
“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”
Nothing could be truer when it comes to connecting with people at the level needed for concise understanding of the products that we can offer a business, than to do so in their own language. This shows respect, innovation and a desire to truly connect with the clients. This connection happens instantly. Once you are on a level footing with your client, they feel more at ease, more trusting and more receptive to hear what you have to say.
How adds value to conversational AI solutions
We are excited to introduce our new Multi-Lingual capability enabling you to engage with your clients in the language they feel most comfortable using. Available in all 11 South African official languages as well as French and Portuguese, going global has never been easier, as one of the greatest challenges we face today is how do we communicate with people if we cannot speak their language. Problem solved in one easy solution.
‘Our conversational AI solutions that aid conversion rates is currently scripted by a human in the language of choice i.e. English, French, Portuguese etc. Our multi-lingual capability allows a script to be written in English and automatically translated into the language of choice, thereby increasing go-to-market turnaround times and decreasing key human dependencies based on language.’ – Dr Natalie Raphil, CTO.
We are one of the first in the market to present an opportunity to converse with our clients end-users in the language of their choice, decreasing drop-off’s due to language understanding and barriers and increasing our rate of completions and conversions.
If you have any questions about our solutions, or conversational AI in general let’s chat – we’re happy to help!